Australia - 1917-1988.
Slogan cancellations: Send Birthday Greetings ... - Adelaide.

The Send Birthday Greetings ... slogan was used in Adelaide from 8 May 1935 to 5 September 1939.

The 3 identified dies used at Adelaide with this slogan:

  1. have a circular date stamp with no box number and either S. A. or South Australia at the base; or
  2. have a box date stamp with the number 4;

Within each of these broad types of dies, there are variations.

The date stamp usually had TIME then DAY/MONTH then YEAR.

The listing below is approximately chronological by base inscription and then Code number within that grouping. The following Table provides a guide with hyperlinks:

Shape and
words at the base

Code number Earliest date Latest date % of Adelaide Census
Circle - S.A. None 8 May 35 19 February 1937 71%
  A progressive error affected lines 1 and 5 in late February 1936.
Circle - South Aust. None 30 June 1941   3%
Box - S.A. 2 24 August 1939   3%
  4 8 August 1939 5 September 1939 21%
Box - Sth. Australia 3 28 August 1939   3%

There are 35 examples of this slogan for Adelaide in the Census.

Datestamp: Circle;

Base inscription: S.A.

Die 5A: G indented to be level with the right side of S.
N is nearly above the upright of L.
All lines printed in full and both words SEND and COLOURED are complete.

Earliest date of this format:
8 May 1935.

Latest date of this format:
19 February 1937.

Note: There appears to be a period of non-use from about 6 March 1936 to about 18 February 1937.

Number in the Census: 25.

Half cover
5 November 1935.
Between 3:30 pm on 25 February and 10 pm on 27 February 1936, the slogan stopped printing the S of SEND.
27 February 1936.

By 10 pm on 28 February 1936, the slogan had stopped printing both the S of SEND and the C of COLOURED.
28 February 1936.
By 10 pm on 28 February 1936, the slogan had stopped printing both the S of SEND and the C of COLOURED. That dual omission continued until at least 10 pm on 4 March 1936.
C gone
28 February 1936 (10:00 pm).
By 4:30 am on 5 March 1936, the slogan had stopped printing both the S and the E of SEND as well as the C of COLOURED.

There are at least two examples showing attempts to correct the problem in the 4:30 shift.

4:30 am
5 March 1936 at 4:30 am.
By 3:30 pm on 5 March 1936, the slogan had stopped printing:
  • the SE of SEND;
  • the COL of COLOURED.
It is possible the slogan was withdrawn for some time and corrected. The next recorded examples are for February 1937 where all five lines print as required.
more gone
5 March 1936 at 3:30 pm.
Datestamp: Circle;

Number: None;

Base inscription: South Aust.

Die 1: the lines starting with G and C are outdented slightly more than the lines above them.

Only recorded date of this format:
30 June 1930.

Number in the Census: 1.

Circle 1941
30 June 1941.

Datestamp: Box;

Number: 2;

Base inscription: S.A.

Die 1: the lines starting with G and C are outdented slightly more than the lines above them.

Only recorded date of this format:
24 August 1939.

Number in the Census: 1.

Box 2
24 August 1939.
Datestamp: Box;

Number: 4;

Base inscription: S.A.

Die 1: the lines starting with G and C are outdented slightly more than the lines above them.

Earliest date of this format:
8 August 1939.

Latest date of this format:
5 September 1939.

Number in the Census: 7.

Box 4
8 August 1939.
Datestamp: Box;

Number: 3;

Base inscription: STH. AUSTRALIA.

Die 1: the lines starting with G and C are outdented slightly more than the lines above them.

Earliest date of this format:
28 August 1939.

Number in the Census: 1.

Box 3
28 August 1939.